Agoma Christian 学校 partners with families 和教堂es to teach children to live according to God’s Word. 因此, the school seeks academic excellence that is centered in the truth of God revealed to man through the 圣经 and in nature. Students are encouraged to be like Christ in loving God with all their hearts, 灵魂, 思想, 和力量, 爱邻如爱己. ACS graduates will be academically prepared and spiritually motivated to seek and to fulfill God’s call on their lives, 像仆人领袖一样生活,积极地影响他们的家庭, 教堂, 和社区.
Algoma Christian 学校 opened its doors in 1981 on Thirteen Mile Road, 格兰奇大道附近, 只有43名学生. The next year Durward Reichelt donated a five acre parcel on Sparta Avenue just north of 17 Mile Road, 学校现在的位置在哪里. The leadership then purchased an eight classroom modular facility. The school existed on two campuses for several years, busing students between campuses until 1990. 当时, 建造了一座永久性建筑物, 哪个变成了六个中学教室, 一个办公室, 还有一个午餐室. The Thirteen Mile campus was closed in the fall of 1990, and the land was sold.
In 1994 the building continued, with the addition of more classrooms, offices and a gymnasium. In 1998 construction began on a new building that would become the elementary wing. With the completion of that project, we were blessed to have all our students under one roof. In 1999 we constructed the science and 英语 classrooms and upgraded the secondary wing. As a part of this upgrade, restrooms were added and other facilities were renovated and enlarged.
In 2000 a Fine 艺术s wing was added to the school and included a large chapel/music room, 还有两间教室供我们的艺术节目使用. Enough funding came in to not only build the Fine 艺术s wing but also to begin construction on locker rooms. We advanced the locker room construction as funds became available, 更衣室于2007年完工.
小骑士儿童发展中心于2010年成立. Wee Knights is located in the 小学 wing and currently provide care for nearly 150 children (infants through preschool).
In 1994 the building continued, with the addition of more classrooms, offices and a gymnasium. In 1998 construction began on a new building that would become the elementary wing. With the completion of that project, we were blessed to have all our students under one roof. In 1999 we constructed the science and 英语 classrooms and upgraded the secondary wing. As a part of this upgrade, restrooms were added and other facilities were renovated and enlarged.
In 2000 a Fine 艺术s wing was added to the school and included a large chapel/music room, 还有两间教室供我们的艺术节目使用. Enough funding came in to not only build the Fine 艺术s wing but also to begin construction on locker rooms. We advanced the locker room construction as funds became available, 更衣室于2007年完工.
小骑士儿童发展中心于2010年成立. Wee Knights is located in the 小学 wing and currently provide care for nearly 150 children (infants through preschool).
参加ACS的学生为生活做好了充分的准备, regardless of whether God calls them to further education or im媒体tely into a vocation. ACS students typically outperform other students on state and national standardized tests, 但更重要的是, they are equipped with a thoroughly biblical perspective on life, 工作, 家庭, 和教堂. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about how Algoma Christian 学校 can assist you in training and equipping your children to impact the world for Christ.
We believe that the 圣经 is the inerrant word of the living God and is our sole guide for faith and practice. 我们相信圣经是可知的, 是绝对的真理,应该从字面上解释吗, 语法, 从历史上看, 和文化上. 作为神话语权威的反映, we value and practice the integration of God’s Word into all subject matter taught at our school.
Biblical truth must be applied in order to be our guide for faith and practice. 神的真理影响我们生活的方方面面. 了解真相会塑造我们对生活的思考和态度. 神的真理是发展生活技能的动力. 因为学校是生活的缩影, students learn from the joys and challenges of community and grow in their abilities to love, 尊重, 一起敬拜.
We value partnership with the home and the 教堂 (Partners in Truth)
God has given the responsibility of training children to the parents. The school 和教堂 serve as a support system for parents engaged in this task. Truth echoed in both the 教堂 and Christian school reinforces a consistent message in young 思想. As teachers and coaches act as role models in the day-to-day activities of school, 教会和社区 life, they broaden students’ opportunities to see authentic faith portrayed in the world.
We value the availability of Christian education for all who seek it (Truth for All)
Algoma Christian 学校’s founding premise has been to make Christian education available for all families who share our values and desire to have their children attend. 我们相信种族歧视, 文化, and socio-economic barriers should not stand in the way of receiving a Christian education. We are all made in the image of God and possess inestimable value in the sight of God despite our circumstances in life.
We believe that the 圣经 is the inerrant word of the living God and is our sole guide for faith and practice. 我们相信圣经是可知的, 是绝对的真理,应该从字面上解释吗, 语法, 从历史上看, 和文化上. 作为神话语权威的反映, we value and practice the integration of God’s Word into all subject matter taught at our school.
Biblical truth must be applied in order to be our guide for faith and practice. 神的真理影响我们生活的方方面面. 了解真相会塑造我们对生活的思考和态度. 神的真理是发展生活技能的动力. 因为学校是生活的缩影, students learn from the joys and challenges of community and grow in their abilities to love, 尊重, 一起敬拜.
We value partnership with the home and the 教堂 (Partners in Truth)
God has given the responsibility of training children to the parents. The school 和教堂 serve as a support system for parents engaged in this task. Truth echoed in both the 教堂 and Christian school reinforces a consistent message in young 思想. As teachers and coaches act as role models in the day-to-day activities of school, 教会和社区 life, they broaden students’ opportunities to see authentic faith portrayed in the world.
We value the availability of Christian education for all who seek it (Truth for All)
Algoma Christian 学校’s founding premise has been to make Christian education available for all families who share our values and desire to have their children attend. 我们相信种族歧视, 文化, and socio-economic barriers should not stand in the way of receiving a Christian education. We are all made in the image of God and possess inestimable value in the sight of God despite our circumstances in life.
The ambition of Algoma Christian is to graduate students with a sound and applicable, 圣经的世界观. ACS desires to have every graduate attain all of our expected student outcomes, 它们是所有生命的基础. We do, however, understand that we live in a fallen world and each person is a 工作 in progress. 我们的政府, 教师, and staff are committed to helping each individual student 工作 towards attaining these goals. 我们希望我们的学生...
- 在所有学术领域追求卓越.
- Evaluate competing worldviews through the lens of a 圣经的世界观.
- 培养并保持好奇的精神.
- Develop skills to investigate, problem solve, and make wise and informed decisions.
- 表现出良好的学习习惯和研究技能.
- Demonstrate technological literacy and the ability to adapt to emerging technologies and 媒体.
- 成为终身学习者.
- 阐明并捍卫基督教信仰.
- Have a growing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
- 在做决定时表现出圣经的洞察力和判断力.
- 视自己和他人为按照神的形象所造的人.
- Display essential biblical values through modeling godly behavior in the school, 家庭,
教会和社区. - 在生活的各个方面应用圣经的世界观.
- Demonstrate love for God by actively engaging in acts of service at home, 在教堂, 在社区和ACS.
- 寻找机会去完成大使命.
- Work effectively, with 尊重 and integrity, as leaders or participants in group settings.
阿尔戈马基督学校招收任何种族的学生, color, 民族和民族出身的一切权利, 特权, 项目, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. 它没有种族歧视, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, 招生政策, 奖学金和贷款项目, 以及体育和其他学校管理的项目.